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Matt Dovey

2:04pm, 25th January 2016

Interview @ Sputnik's Orbit

C Stuart Hardwick was a Writers of the Future winner for Volume 30 (UK) and has a tradition of interviewing each year's group of winners.

His interview with me just went up on his blog. Go read it, and find out which fandom I used to write fan fiction in.

Meet the Winners 2016: Matt Dovey


TAGS: interview

3:44pm, 8th January 2016

Threnody for an Untouched Moon

(Yes, I just learnt a new word.)

Here is some excellent news: space exploration is bigger news than it has been for years. SpaceX are landing re-useable rockets. NASA have funding to land on Europa. President Obama has set a timeline for getting to Mars.

And the ESA wants to go back to the moon.

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TAGS: waffle



Matt Dovey is a writer of short speculative fiction. He is very tall, very British, and probably drinking a cup of tea right now. His surname rhymes with “Dopey”, but any other similarities to the dwarf are purely coincidental. More →

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